Исполнитель: Scripture Memory Songs
Альбом:Overcoming Guilt
Год выхода:1992
01. Rick Riso and Tampa Lann - Free Indeed (John 8;36, Galatians 5;1)
02. Scott Wojahn and Susie Stevens - Come Now, Let Us Reason Together (Isaiah 1;18)
03. Guy Penrod and Lisa Glasgow - A Heart to Know Me (Jeremiah 24;7)
04. Gene Miller - Forget the Former Things (Isaiah 43;18-19, 25)
05. Leann Albrecht - I Will Sing Praise (Psalm 104;33)
06. Gene Miller - Create In Me a Clean Heart (Psalm 51;10-12, 15)
07. Guy Penrod and Lisa Glasgow - I Have Overcome the World (John 14;27, 16;33)
08. John Barbour - The Lord Longs to Be Gracious (Isaiah 30;18-19)
09. Mark Ivey - God Made Him (2 Corinthians 5;21)
10. Susie Stevens - The God of Peace (1 Thessalonians 5;23)